Sunday, September 27, 2015

Busy Elder!!

Hello everyone! Its been a great week here in Hackham West! A lot to tell this week, hold tight.

Monday, Sep 21, 2015- Woke up this morning still feeling yuck so I asked Elder Corotan for a blessing, felt a lot better after that and was able to go out and do normal P Day stuff. Today we played sport at the chapel and wrote letters and stuff which was fun. We then went to go see David and Nicole our investigators, started to teach them the Plan of Salvation. We then went to the Davies family and watched a Mormon Message.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015- We had the wonderful opportunity today as a mission to have the Pacific Area President Elder Pearson of the Seventy to visit us. Wow what an inspiring man, he sent a boom through this mission. He had pretty much like 3 hours just to stand up there and talk about our mission. He was so bold and loving and we all feel the need to step up. He motivated us all to be the best missionaries we can and we have definitely felt his love for us as a Special Witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. I then had the opportunity to go on trade off with Elder Briscoe, and Elder I have known for awhile from Idaho. He's a great man. Just before that we left the Conference for Elder Pearson, we were getting ready to go, and at some point I was bending down to grab something and I heard a rip. Just my luck, I ripped my suit, looks like I need to lay off the KFC. With Elder Briscoe we went to go visit Brad our inv who is being baptized in 2 weeks. We taught him about temples and he also fixed our bikes too which is a plus! We then took a long bike to go visit a less active who surprisingly I found last year on trade off in my area now! Sadly, he wasn't home. 

Wednesday Sep 23, 2015- This morning Elder Briscoe and I were ready to go out and work, we walked into get our bikes but sadly both of our tires were flat, we ended up just walking to our appointment but it was really good also because we got to talk to a lot more people along the way, had some good conversations. We also found a Filipino potential named Lily who seems pretty interested! As we went to our appointment the man wasn't home, we were ready to take the long trek back when a member just pulled up in his car next to us and offered us a lift. Tender mercy of the Lord haha. We then had to go mow David and Nicole's lawn so we had to walk our lawn mower for awhile and we got it done, they had like a full on jungle in their backyard! Elder Briscoe was going hard on the whipper snipper, he loves doing this kinda stuff. We then got to teach David and Nicole again, we continued with the POS and Nicole shared an amazing near death experience that she has had which is totally in line with what we were teaching, just worked perfectly! We then had another appointment with our investigator Phillip who is being baptized the same day as Brad. We brought Bro Morrow, a member with us and we taught about fasting. We then had dinner at the Grangers, there a young married couple with one baby boy. We were laughing because both of them are younger than Elder Corotan. I got to hold their snake which was a good experience and then Bro Granger took us out to go kangaroo spotting, got to see a lot of them!

Thursday Sep 24, 2015- We went to go see Brad this morning with Bro Pollard whose a member. We taught missionary work with him today. We then did a bit of finding, didn't find to many people interested right now but we definitely felt we raised some points! We then went to an investigator named Mahalla, she has like 7 kids, got to share the Book of Mormon with her. We then had dinner at the Fechners, we had shepherds pie which is delicious. The Fechners had their daughters friend and her baby staying with them for awhile and just the day before the lady left the baby with the Fechners, she couldn't handle being a mother, it just broke my heart. That baby has been abandoned, but he's in good care with the Fechners. 

Friday Sep 26, 2015- Today we had another conference which lasted 6 hours pretty much just going over Elder Pearsons training. After that we had a lesson with Phillip at the chapel and we talked about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. We then had sports night and Mahalla came with all her kids! It was a great time and we were actually able to take Mahaalla on a tour of the chapel, and when we walked into the literal chapel, she felt the Spirit and said, "wow, this is really nice" There is such a tangible feeling in the Chapel. 

Saturday Sep 27, 2015- Started off the morning cleaning some gutters of a members home. We then came home, changed, and went to go see David and Nicole with Bishop. Before we started the lesson Nicole told us that when we called her earlier before she just broke down in tears. She said she was having a really bad day but when we called and expressed our love to them she felt better. We had a  Powerful lesson, we talked about faith and Bishop personally invited them to church and baptism. We then met a new investigator named Bob, sat at a park and just talked about lfie and God, he's pretty knowledgeable about the Gospel, we hope for some good things from him. We then went to go see Brad, we talked about Eternal Families. We then saw the Williams, had a good discussion with them about our eternal destinies. 

Sunday Sep 28, 2015- One of the best Sundays I've had in my mission, we had 5 investigators at church! ( David+Nicole, Philip, Brad, and Anthony) We were so happy to have the all there. Really enjoyed the Sabbath today.

Thanks for all the prayers everyone! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Baptisms dates set!!

Good morning everyone! Yet another week in the Australia Adelaide Mission! I'm still trying to kick this bug out of me guys so please pray for me, this area is really busy so I need the prayers to be at my 100%, I've been sick for a couple weeks now and my body is just having a hard time, I need prayers! 

Monday Sep 14, 2015- had a great P-day today, we all gathered together at the chapel and we played sport and practiced our performance for a ward activity this Saturday, its gonna be good! We went to go see our investigators David and Nicole tonight, we talked about the Book of Mormon and then we shared a Mormon message with them, it went really well and they are very interested. We then went to go see the Davies family and we showed them a video about the BOM then had a good discussion about it.

Tuesday Sep 15, 2015- Saw an inv named Peter today, boy oh boy is he funny, I caught a good video of him dancing which I will be able to show you all sometime. We then went to go see another inv Anthony. He's real cool, we played some pool with him for a bit then shared a good message with him, he is going to pray about baptism. We saw Brad, our inv later today and we were able to read 3 Nephi 11 with him which is like the most epic chapter in the BOM. After we read we invited him to baptism and he accepted for Oct 10! So excited for him! Please pray for him specifically that he may be able to make that date! We then had dinner at the Williams home, lovely family. We then went to go visit a less active Oscar. After that we had coordination meeting and I pretty much got to see every member of the Happy Valley Ward Council tonight, what a great reuniting, I love them all so much.

Wednesday Sep 16, 2015- Today was quite an interesting day. So I'll tell you a little bit about Hackham West, its a good area but there is a lot of drug activity and such her so there's some pretty interesting people. Came across a man today on our bikes, Elder Corotan was in front of me and he said hello to this guy, I didn't here what he said but Elder Corotan kept biking along, and as I biked past him I said hello and he just yells back at me, "F YOU!" I stopped right where I was on my bike and I looked at him and said "what was that?" and he just went off, this isn't the first time this has happened to me but today I just wasn't gonna have it, he started walking towards me and I just stood there waiting for him, Elder Corotan started walking towards us, but soon enough the guy just walked off. I'm just tired of people like that, like why do you have to act like that, I was expressing to Elder Corotan how much I just wanted to shut that guy up but I know that's not consistent with our calling. Really hard sometimes to keep my cool. 

Thursday Sep 17, 2015- Did some service for a lady in our ward today named Sandy. Always love doing service. We then went to dinner with The Fechner's which was good. 

Friday Sep 18, 2015- Tonight we had a lesson with our investigator Phillip. We taught about baptism and he also accepted a baptism date for Oct 10! So excited! We then had Sports Night and there was tons of crazy kids there haha 

Saturday Sep 19, 2015- Today we had a ward activity and us missionaries performed a song and dance. We danced to the intro song of Lilo and Stitch and then sang Hosanna, it was a lot of time and that was my first time ever singing a solo in front of a crowd haha I have it on video but I can't attach it but it went well! Great activity! We had  many investigators there too.

That's about all this week guys, hope everything is going well with all of you. Have a great week

Monday, September 14, 2015

Another transfer-former district!

Hello! Another new transfer and I am now serving in the Hackham West area with my new companion Elder Corotan from the Philippines. My prayer was answered! I really wanted to go back to the same district at the beginning of my mission and I'm here now! I'm quite familiar with the Hackham West area because it is right next to my first and favorite area Trott Park! I actually was quite emotional when I arrived because this is the area I started my mission and I was able to see some familiar faces from my first ward. Felt like I was coming home :) I'm not in the same ward but I am in the same chapel. I'm so grateful and privileged to be serving with my companion. For some reason as soon as I met him I have loved him. Its really quite interesting how it works sometimes with my companions. Some of them I just love instantly and some of them take longer to love, Elder Corotan and I clicked instantly, he loves basketball too so that's a plus. Elder Corotan is the man, he's been out on his mission for about 6 months now. Its great because he's really such a great missionary and very mature, probably because he is 26 years old! Yep, he was born in 1989 ha ha I feel so privileged to serve with him at this specific time. I ask that you all keep him and his family in your prayers. Elder Corotan's father passed away just 5 weeks ago. He is such an example to me, he has such a strong testimony, and because of that testimony he decided to stay on his mission. What a man. So grateful to serve with him. He is so humble too! Sorry I could brag about how great my companion is all day. Sadly, I was sick most of the week this week, I had to miss church! That's the second time in my mission that I have missed church because of illness. I got a flu shot earlier this year so I don't know why I'm getting sick but it sucks. But so far I have loved serving in Hackham West. Most of the people we visit I already know because I have done so many trade offs here when I served in Trott Park. I don't have many miracles to report today because its just been week 1 also with sickness but I know the miracles are coming, we have some solid investigators! I love you all so much, I was thinking about the way I felt returning to my first district and it made me realize how I'm going to feel when I see you all again, WOW! Adelaide is sacred ground especially here in the Onkaparinga District. I may not know what God has planned for me next, but I know its gonna be good. Time to go to work... :)

Monday, September 7, 2015

Exhausted mate...

"Sorry to disappoint you Martha baby, but the G-Train has left the station!" Those who don't know this reference, please repent haha but Yes, I have indeed found out this morning that I am being transferred! Don't know where yet but I will let you know that next week. There's always an excitement with transfers, wonder where I'm going! 
Monday Aug 31, 2015- 
Most interesting P Day today! Our zone leaders told us all to meet in the city today, we we're expecting to have an activity in the city or something but oh boy were we wrong. We arrived in the city and we're told we were doing a city blitz! Everyone was kind of bummed at first cuz we expect to relax on P Day but honestly this was like one of the best days ever. We had about 15 companionships in the city just talking with everyone! We did this the whole day and it was just great. I love talking to people, one of the best parts of being a missionary. We all gathered together at the end of the  to report our miracles and man was the Spirit strong, I love this work and I love to find people to teach! 
Tuesday Sep 1, 2015- We carried that excitement of finding into our area today and we found 3 potentials to teach! We were just relentless, and it felt so good, if I could give any advice to any missionary, that is to talk to everyone you see! You will be a much happier and much more successful messenger of the truth. Later that night we got a text from Bro Linton, a member in our ward, he's the funniest, he told us to come over so he can have an excuse to order pizza so his wife wouldn't be mad haha love that family, sad that I have to leave right when we gain them in our ward. 
Wednesday Sep 2, 2015- Had District meeting this morning and my companion and I gave the training. We trained on diligence and it went really well. Elder Callahan, our zone leader came with us today to work and it was a really good day! He is from Canada and he is a total farmer boy haha he's the best. We went to go follow up with a man named Don we met on the street. He said he lived at one of the nursing homes but we didn't know which one so we went to like 3 different nursing homes and met heaps of different Don's. We we're laughing the whole time because every Don we met wasn't him and most of the time these Don's were like incredibly old, like really really old. We finally found Don though and we got to have afternoon snack with him, he's a good man. We started teaching him this week. We then went to go see a less active named Simon. He really opened up to us today about the pain he is going through. I love when people open up like that so we know exactly how to help them with the arsenal of the Gospel. We then went to Dave and Hala's and had a quick meal there. We then got to go teach Park the Korean too. 
Thursday Sep 3, 2015- Exhausted mate, worked really hard the beginning of this week and woke up just beat. But we went out and worked like we're supposed too, on the bikes all day. We saw our Fijian investigator Kini, he finally committed to sincerely read the Book of Mormon. He tends to complicate things so we try to keep it simple, read the BOM and pray about it, that's it! 
That's basically it for this week, love you all, see you next week in anew area!
Elder Acker 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Quick letter

Hey Everyone! I apologize ahead of time for this letter, I forgot my journal at home and that's where I give all the juicy details so I'm really just going to be going off of memory today. 

I'll share some highlights that I have had this week. First off I was able to have a trade off with Elder Tanner this week, we get along too well haha it was just like we were companions again. I love him, but whenever we are together we get a little crazy! haha We had ward boundary changes this past week so we got some new awesome families in our ward. One specific family that we just LOVE is the Linton's. They have been married for about 3 years and have two little boys. Brother Linton is from Michigan and Sister Linton is from here. They both served missions and they are just the best! We we're so happy to have them because all the missionaries that have served in their area just love them. Shows how much good member families make a difference to missionaries. Honestly, having good members makes all the difference and that is why I love my first ward, Happy Valley Ward the most because everyone was just the best and it truly felt like a family. So my invitation to all is to be the best members you can be for the missionaries, it makes all the difference! We're especially glad because we know this family will be great fellowship to Dave and Hala and we plan to all have dinner together on Wednesday. We we're so happy this Sunday to see a lot of people at church including our investigators Park and Hala, also including a family we have been working with, the Balodis's. 

Sorry that this letter is so short, try to do better next week :)

Love, Elder Acker